MABI IsoPlaner
From the site measuring sheet to production. Simple, clear, without detours.
Practically nothing changes for the surveyor. During development, the familiar environment of the surveyor was consistently taken into account. Clear symbols such as the marking of the seam position are clear indications of the simple operation and the typical MABI user-friendliness.

Simply MABI, simply ingenious.
Thanks to the new IsoPlaner, the leap from paper to the digital age practically succeeds by itself.

For efficient production, the data should be recorded as error-free as possible and with minimal administrative effort and then transmitted digitally to production. So much for theory. But the practice is different in many places because many companies still work according to the old tradition. This means that the data is written on paper by hand on the construction site. Even if the construction supervisor does a perfect job, there is a possibility that the data will arrive incorrectly during production. Why? Because this data is recorded manually by another employee in the workshop. It is precisely this interface that carries risks and can lead to errors becoming visible during subsequent assembly and then having to be costly remedied. Unnecessary blame is often the result. An end-to-end solution creates transparency and brings about a much simpler way of working.

MABI accompanies you into the digital age.
Arrange a non-binding appointment for a free demo.

The advantages of the IsoPlaner.
- Create an isometric drawing (measurement) quickly and easily.
- Measurement, values for calculation, ready for production, manufacturing, documentation for assembly& invoicing bundled in the measurement
- Error rate is minimized
- Time-consuming analog drawing, calculation, re-reading and input in the workshop as well as time-consuming input of measurements for invoicing are combined
- Result: Time and cost savings and minimization of the error rate
Life is too short to do things twice...

Your contact person.
I will be happy to answer your questions. I speak German, English, French, Italian and Portuguese. Please contact me at: isoplaner@mabi.ch